
Software Developer (IHK) - Online (English)

Kursnummer 5172

The "Software Developer (IHK) - English" training program equips you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for success in the dynamic world of software development. Through a combination of live online trainings and hands-on projects, you will learn the principles of object-oriented programming, laying a solid foundation for your career in this rapidly evolving field.

  • Inhalte

    In many IT departments of German companies, English is spoken by default.There are good reasons for this.
    In order to counter the shortage of skilled labour, foreign IT specialists are also being recruited, whose integration is facilitated by English.
    Specialised literature and technical documentation are often written in English, which makes English language skills necessary.

    In addition, companies often work with international partners and service providers, with English serving as the common language.
    Finally, English is used in programming languages and technical standards, which simplifies communication.

    An English-language Software Developer course helps train talented individuals in Germany and abroad.

    It prepares participants to work in international companies and in German companies with English-speaking IT departments.


    Course Contents

    • Setting Up the Development Environment
    • Keyboard and Terminal
    • Program Code Editors
    • Basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • Programming in Python
    • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Pseudocode, Flowcharts, Program Flowchart
    • Documentation
    • Software Testing
    • Clean Code Rules
    • Interaction with Databases (SQL)
    • Software Architecture (e.g. Model View Controller)
    • Agile Project Management, Scrum, Waterfall Model
    • Project Work


  • Zielgruppe

    This course targets IT-savvy beginners and those with some software development experience who enjoy detailed, logical thinking. While it's intended for participants from Germany, international participants are also welcome.

  • Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
    Neither a specific educational qualification nor relevant professional experience is required for admission to project work with technical discussions.

    Technical Requirements

    • A computer or laptop with the following configuration:
      CPU: Intel Core i5/Ryzen 5 or better.
      RAM: 8 GB or more
      Monitor: 21 inches or more (recommended: 2 monitors for enhanced productivity)
      OS: Windows 10+, macOS 11+, or recent Linux.
    • Headset with Microphone
    • Webcam (highly recommended)
    • A reliable internet connection.
      2 Mbps Download Speed and 1 Mbps Upload Speed

  • Methodik

    The course takes place entirely live online.

    Missed individual sessions can each be made up by watching the recording. 

    Please note that recordings cannot replace live participation.

    You have to attend at least 80 percent of the sessions live to achieve the desired learning success.
    Therefore, this course is not suitable as a self-study product.

    If a funding agency has promised you a subsidy for the course, you may need to meet a minimum quota for live attendance to receive the subsidy. Please contact the agency where you applied for funding if you have any questions regarding this matter.

    Please enrol soon to secure your spot in this training program. With limited class sizes, you will have better opportunities for interactive learning, engaging discussions, and personalised guidance from our experienced trainers.

  • Final Test

    At least 80% attendance of the course is aquired.

    The course ends with a final test in the form of project work. The project work is carried out independently by the participants and is supported by the lecturer with tutorials.

    At the end of the project work, an individual technical discussion takes place as an online conference with the trainer. 

    For individual identification and the technical discussion (course presentation), the participant will need a webcam or a smartphone with a camera.

    Participants receive the IHK certificate "Software Developer (IHK)" after completing the course and passing the project work including the technical discussion.

    Note: The IHK certificate is not equivalent to a certificate under public law and does not constitute personal certification in accordance with ISO.

2 Termine 
Plätze frei
Wenige Plätze frei
  • 04.11.2024 — 09.07.2025
    Mon. and Wed. 8:30 am to 11:45 am Date of completion: 28th July 2025 or 30th July 2025 (project work with an individual technical discussion; individual date will be determined in the course)
    240 Unterrichtseinheiten
  • 18.03.2025 — 06.11.2025
    Tue. and Thurs. 5:45 pm to 9 pm Once a month Sat. 9:00 am to 12:15 pm Date of completion: 18th November 2025 or 20th November 2025 (project work with an individual technical discussion; individual date will be determined in the course)
    240 Unterrichtseinheiten

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Tanja Baur IHK-Bildungszentrum Bonn/Rhein-Sieg


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